Redefining Marriages in Jhumpa Lahiri's “Interpreter of Maladiesâ€

Pankaj Kapoor


Jhumpa Lahiri is a second generation migrant who was born in London and raised in Rhode Island, America. Lahiri has created a fictional world of characters who have migrated from Asia to America. Her stories deal with the couples who are entrapped in a marriage but they are unhappy in their life. They can trace their roots in India and at present they are in America. The difference between the social values, culture, traditions and language between the motherland and this new country America play a complex role in their marriages. The couples belong to India and settled in America but the problems they are facing are universal i.e. the issue of congenial relation between husband and wife. They are not satisfied with their present but they are not able to find a way out of this maze of disconnectedness. In their efforts to find some harmony, some balance in their conjugal life they redefine their marriages with new terms and conditions. In this paper a study of strained relations will be done with reference to three stories – 'A Temporary Affair', 'Mrs. Sen', and 'This Blessed House'.


marriage; harmony; diaspora; identity; displacement

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