Google Apps for English Language Teaching and Learning: The Classroom and Beyond

Nitika Gulati, Preeti Bhatt


Language teaching and learning can be facilitated through collaborative online platforms that allow users to simultaneously work on a given text in real-time or work independently on it later. These also provide access to the saved version of the work as also the history of its evolution. Various applications developed by Google allow learners multiple communication tools that can be utilized for English language learning. These include Google Forms, Docs, Slides, Jamboard and Blogger, among several others. Google apps are flexible and versatile and can be used effectively for designing activities for language practice and knowledge enhancement. With myriad attractive and useful features, Google apps can be employed for collecting information, drafting and presenting written as well as audiovisual content, creating and sharing drawings and images, and broadcasting posts, all under the domain of Google. While these apps can be used for different academic activities, their features especially support language improvement and editing. Their collaborative feature allows easy feedback and encourages participation, thus making them a perfect tool to enhance learning in a language classroom and beyond. Google apps provide learning opportunities that are social, interactive, and multimodal and encourage diverse learning styles thus proving their efficacy and utility.


Google apps; Forms; Docs; Slides; Jamboard; Blogger; English; Language; Collaboration, Online

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