The Return of The Native: An Analysis of Kamala Markandaya’s A Silence Of Desire

Amrita Shashi


Kamala Markandaya’s A Silence of Desire presents in very clear and precise manner, the struggle of a wife caught in the coils of a stiffening domestic life that threatens subconsciously her very identity as a woman. At the same time it also depicts how her husband who had been taking her presence in his life for granted realizes the significance of her not just as a home maker but as a person too, as his companion and soul mate, and suffers the agony that his wife’s emotional separation from him brings to him.  Dandekar does all in his power to bring Sarojini back to his life, to open the doors of Sarojini’s heart to him once again. He finally succeeds to the betterment of both of them. This paper aims to explore the various aspects of A Silence of Desire, and traces the journey of the protagonist Sarojini back to her husband,to  her happy domestic life besides looking into how Dandekar ,despite being a man, suffered the pangs of separation , and wins her back home.


Identity; attachment; psyche; mystic; marriage

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ISSN: 2454-2296

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